Brief description of fishery:

The lake is not the one on the right hand side as you turn the corner into Springwood Street. Continue  along Springwood Street which becomes Carr Bank Road, there you’ll find the lake on your left hand side.

The lake is accessible by gate (Key is not required) from Carr Bank Road.  Once you are through the gate, walk up the slope and choose the place where you would like to fish from. There is no particular place on the water to aim for, you should catch from anywhere.

Springwood ranges in depths from around 4 ft deep to 14 ft deep. The water being the deepest near the damn wall end. There are reeds at the shallower end of the lake but other than that you’ll find the water is clear of snags. Whether you fish on the bottom or shallow you’ll find the fish. It is a water which fishes all year round so is a good place to go in the colder months.

You can use rod and pole though their is limited spaces if fishing with the pole.

Baits recommended are maggot, caster, and worm.


Carr Bank Road, Ramsbottom, BL0 9DN 

Parking & Access

Park on the side of the road next to the green area. There is limited spaces so if you’re not there early you may have to park on a side road.

  • Brown Trout