Work Parties
As part of our Association’s policy, we believe we need to invest in our waters, managing them in all aspects, aiming to provide places to fish in our local community now and in the future.
We run regular work parties, at least once a month, where we prioritise which waters require work and then focus on completing it.
We are limited in what we can achieve as it depends on the ‘volunteers’ we can find to get involved.
Work is not always carried out as fast as we need, however, we always get there in the end.
When a work party is being planned, we advertise where we can for ‘volunteers’ . This is currently via the Associations facebook page and the wattsapp page group created and dedicated to work part members who make themselves available.
We are now looking to advertise more online via our website and Clubmate membership App to look for volunteers.
Additional to work parties, we test and monitor our waters to try to identify any potential problems.
We are also part of the WQMN (water quality members network), the results being entered into a wide database involving the Angling Trust and Environment Agency so that problems can be identified nationally.
We work closely with the Environment Agency, the Angling Trust and the waters owners, where applicable when moving forward.