Rules & Constitution

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1.1 The Club shall be called Ramsbottom Angling Association hereafter to be referred to as   “R.A.A.” and shall be affiliated to the Angling Trust.


2.1  To foster, promote and protect the sport of angling with pole/ or rod and line at all level providing opportunities for education, recreation and competition.                                                           

2.2  To rent, lease, purchase or otherwise obtain and provide fishing rights which shall be equally enjoyed by all members

2.3 To make waters available to members of the R.A.A. and others with a view to increasing the facilities available for the proper pursuit of angling for those persons whom the R.A.A. is intending to benefit.

 2.4 We are an all inclusive association/club whose membership is open to everyone regardless of age, gender, disability, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, religion or faith.

2.5  We aim to promote the sport of angling to all classes of peoples, especially junior and  disabled anglers. We will endeavour to provide facilities to allow angling by disadvantaged, and for those with poor mobility . Therefore we will continue to fund and train appointed Angling Trust and RAA Support coaches and Lead coaches.                             

All water bailiffs will be vetted before being appointed.

2.6  In Line with current best practice we have adopted The Angling Trust’s Child Protection Policy, The Young Peoples Charter and The Equity Policy. Details of the policies are available from the secretary, coaches or can be viewed on our website and on The Angling Trust website at

In addition we wish to bring to the attention of everybody within the sport of angling that; If you have any concerns about the welfare of a child within the sport of angling please contact the Angling Trust’s lead child Protection officer or the appropriate RAA officer . Details can be found on the website


3.1  Membership of the Club shall be open to any person completing a membership application / online form and paying the relevant subscription /joining fee as determined by the Annual General Meeting of the Club Members and accepting the rules and byelaws of the club.

The committee of the Association have the right to recommend withdrawal of membership if information not previously known to them would preclude the person’s membership. In these circumstances the member will have a right of appeal to the committee in person.  The person making the appeal has the right to be supported at the meeting only by another current member of the Association.  The decision of the Committee will be final.

3.2 The membership shall comprise of   :-

3.2.1   Ordinary Member to include senior, OAP (veteran 60+) and disabled members.

3.2.2   Junior Member. (Under 16 years of age); must be accompanied by an adult if under 14 years of age. ( has no voting rights unless specific junior meeting or a junior nominee)

3.2.3   Intermediate Member (16 – 18 years of age)

3.2.4   Honorary members: Persons whom R.A.A. wish to make as a compliment or appreciation for services in the past, such as retiring chairman etc.  Honorary members shall be nominated by the committee and endorsed at the AGM. They shall have no voting rights.

3.2.5   Life members. Retiring officials, senior citizens etc., shall be nominated by the committee and endorsed at the AGM. They shall have no voting rights.

 3.2.6   Social members. They shall have no voting rights.

 3.2.7   Day tickets, available through nominated outlets for specific waters requiring the user to accept and adhere to the Association rules.


4.1  The management of the R.A.A shall be vested in the management committee which shall  be elected from amongst its ordinary membership.

4.2  No member shall be eligible for office who is already an officer of any other angling club/association, or having already been on the committee during the previous year has not attended at least two thirds of the meetings of that year unless reasonable cause has been shown for absence.

4.3 The officers of the R.A.A shall consist of a Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Membership Secretary, Social Secretary, Match Secretary, Treasurer, Working Party Manager, Assistant Working Party Manager/Health and Safety Officer ,  Child Protection/Safeguarding Officer, and Head Coach.

4.4 The Executive Officers ( the chairman, treasurer and secretary) in order to protect the interest of the club/association , in dealings with the local council and other external agencies, shall retire and be eligible for re-election on a revolving 3 year period at the AGM .  eg :- Chairman year 1, Treasurer year 2 and Secretary year 3 . The Officers and other committee members shall retire and be eligible for re-election at the AGM for a period of 1 year.

4.5 The attendance of six committee members shall constitute a quorum.

4.6 The Management Committee may call on any member of the R.A.A to assist in the performance of its duties as a Nominated Committee member and may nominate sub committees for a particular purpose as determined by them.

4.7 The  Management Committee has the powers of nominating a member of the committee to enter into any agreement on behalf of the R.A.A

4.8 The annual general meeting of the R.A.A shall be held annually in the month of November when the committee shall be elected and the accounts shall be presented.

Extraordinary general meetings may be called at the written request of ten members, such notice being given to the Secretary and such notice being available to members of the meeting.  Management Committee and Ordinary Committee meetings of the R.A.A shall be held at the discretion of the Executive committee and publicised.

4.9  The Management Committee shall be the sole arbiter of the interpretation of the R.A.A and water rules.

4.9.1 The decision of the committee on any questions of interpretation or matter affecting the R.A.A not provided for in the rule shall be final and binding on all members. Each member shall be provided with a current copy of the R.A.A rules.

4.10 No alteration or addition to the rules of the R.A.A shall be made other than by resolution of the members, either at an AGM or extraordinary general meeting, carried by a majority vote of at least two thirds.

4.11 All proposals to amend R.A.A rules have to be submitted 21 days before the AGM in writing with appropriate seconder, to the Secretary. The Committee will place before the AGM its comments on such proposals. No proposals will be taken at the AGM although amendments to proposals will be taken and voted on.

4.12  Meetings .

The Management Committee shall meet at least 6 times per year unless it decides otherwise.

In the R.A.A rules, the words importing the masculine shall include the feminine, and words importing the singular shall include the plural and vice-versa.

Programme of ordinary meetings: December; February; June and August

Programme of Management meetings:  January,  March,  May,  July, Sept, November

Illustration of Association structure: Executive Officers

Management Committee –   Officers Nominated Committee Members

5. Powers of the Management Committee

5.1 Chairperson

The Chairperson shall be elected at the annual general meeting – his/her post shall be for a period of three years and will:

  • Chair meetings of the Executive and Management Committees making decisions when the need arises in consultation with other committee members.
  • Ensure everyone has a chance to present their view, ensure the agenda is followed and decisions are understood and recorded.
  • Be unbiased, impartial and maintain harmony in the meeting.
  • Have the casting vote on proposals if needed.


5.2 The Secretary

The secretary shall be elected at the AGM, the post shall be for three years. The secretary shall conduct all correspondence of the R.A.A and keep all minutes, books and other documents. He/she should also conduct all business subject to the direction of the committee and may also receive subscriptions to pass on to the treasurer. On retirement from office the secretary shall hand over to his/her successor or to the Chairman all books and paper appertaining to his/her office.

The secretary shall at all time act in accordance with the instruction of the committee; in the event of the absence of the secretary the duties shall be undertaken by a delegated assistant secretary.

5.3 The Treasurer

The Treasurer shall be elected at the AGM, his post shall be for three years. The treasurer shall ensure that the funds of the R.A.A are kept in a bank or invested as approved by the committee, and no financial liability shall be incurred. No payments should be made except under special or general authorisation of the committee. The treasurer shall keep financial records of the R.A.A and prepare the annual financial statement. The financial year end shall be 31st October. All withdrawals from the associations’ bank account shall require the signatures of two authorised officers. On retiring from office, He/she shall hand to his/her successor or chairman all books being audited, papers and monies belonging to R.A.A.    Committee shall have control of the yearly income and expenditure of the same for the benefits of the R.A.A

The treasurer will at all times act in accordance with the instruction of the committee.

5.4   Auditors

The books of the club should be examined by auditors elected from the ordinary members of the club, these not being members of the committee.  ( nominated for the financial year?)

5.5  Expenses

The Management Committee shall authorise annual payment to the secretary, treasurer or other Officers of fees to be discussed, (expenses are not subject to the same taxing arrangements as honorarium).

5.6   Discipline and Appeals

The committee shall be empowered to expel from the R.A.A any member whose conduct is in their opinion injurious to the interests of the R.A.A, its members or its objects. Before expelling a member, the committee shall investigate the circumstances and he/she shall be given opportunity to defend himself/herself in writing or by appearing before the committee with a nominated supporter who should be a current member. The Committee’s decision of expulsion or suspension shall be on a majority vote.

A day ticket purchased states “ When purchasing this ticket you agree to abide by the regulations of RAA, available on the website”.

The intention to take disciplinary action should be confirmed in writing to all involved at the earliest opportunity and certainly within  7  days.  The Disciplinary hearing should be convened by the disciplinary committee which should involve 5 committee members / or a designated group of members who make up the committee e.g.  Chair / Vice Chair; Secretary/ etc of 5 committee members and two observers  – current members

 5.7   Membership / Subscriptions

Subscriptions shall vary according to membership class. Discounts are offered for Junior, Intermediate,  Disabled and Senior Citizen anglers ( Veteran 60 years +).

The annual subscriptions payable by ordinary members and juniors shall be the sum as determined at:-

The AGM and it shall be payable on the 1st day of March. New senior members elected after the 1st day of November shall pay one half of the annual subscription and joining fee directly to the membership Secretary ( not available at Fishermans Way or on line).

Any new member or member renewing their subscription after the 31st day of March shall be liable for the joining fee of £10.

  • Senior membership fee £40 to include £10 joining fee for new members
  • Concessions ( OAP/veteran; Disabled ) £25 with £10 joining fee for new members
  • Intermediate membership £15
  • Junior £10 ( to 15 years of age)
  • Under 11 years £5
  • Non fishing member £5
  • Replacement cards £4
  • Key ( Crown Pools and Clarenden St.) £5

Participation in Association competitions / matches and those representing the Association in competitions / matches should be a member of the Association in the appropriate category of membership.

New members through the association’s coaching programmes:

Non members attending summer coaching programme for beginners ( or any other extended programme of coaching) will be required to contribute £3 towards the cost of bait and equipment or as designated by Committee .  On commencing coaching new attendees will be issued with a 5 session card to be signed at each session recording attendance.

Junior members on the winter coaching programme will be required to contribute £3 per session for equipment / resources.

5.8   Donations

Donations of money may be made at any time to the R.A.A funds.

Special funds may be created for junior angling development , benevolent purposes, renting and re-stocking of waters.

The Management Committee authorise RAA to accept donations electronically ( e.g. Local Giving) from identified sources.

6. Trustees

An angling club/association that is not registered as a limited company under the companies act is unable to enter into a proper legal agreement or to own or to lease (anything). The Trustees may, however, be appointed on behalf of the R.A.A. They can bind the R.A.A by agreeing to the terms of a fishing lease; they can sue on behalf of the club, and may in turn be sued. It is therefore of great importance when choosing a trustee\to represent the members because, as the name implies, they must be trustworthy! , There shall be no less than two and no more than three trustees of the club. The trustees shall hold office until death or resignation or until removed from office by the resolution of the management committee. All property of the R.A.A including leases and fishing leases shall be vested in the trustees to be dealt with by them as the committee from time to time shall direct. The trustees shall be indemnified out of the assets of the club against any risk in expense incurred by the pursuance of the office (and shall be so insured). The trustees shall have their own power to enter into contract to lease or to purchase fisheries and all property and to sell or relinquish the sale as directed by the committee of the R.A.A



Peter Knowles           

Allan Warrington

Gary Wright


7. Dissolution of the Ramsbottom Angling Association

The RAA shall not be dissolved so long as ten ordinary members belong to it and then only provided that the majority agree thereto in the event of its dissolution, the property, after satisfying all liabilities, shall be donated to a society or charity with similar interest.

8. Replacement Cards

Any member requiring a replacement membership card shall pay an administration charge, the sum of which shall be determined by the R.A.A committee. The amount charged will be reviewed by the committee on a yearly basis.  Currently £4

9. Trophies

All R.A.A trophies remain the property of  Ramsbottom Angling Association and it is the responsibility of the holders to return them in a clean and undamaged state at the end of their tenure.

10. Crown Pools/ Clarendon St

Crown Pools and Clarendon St  ( Clarence Park Lido). will remain a member’s only water with no day tickets.  All members must gain entry only by the gate using the key provided by R.A.A, members must not at any time gain access by climbing over the gate, loan or copy their key for a non member.  Members may fish with a guest who must have a day ticket purchased through a committee member.

Crown Pools Top Pool and Bottom pool should be fished “only” from designated fixed pegs.

No entry at all to any areas outside the designated pathways at all times.

10.1 All other waters will be accessible through day tickets either bought on the bank or via     a variety of outlets negotiated by the Club Committee.


11. Working Parties

Working parties will be scheduled as appropriate for Association waters.  It is expected that volunteers will support the working party manager in the execution of his role which is to the benefit of every member in the club, the more that attend the quicker the work will be completed.


  • Communications

Shall be made electronically by e-mail, text, via the associations website or social media unless a member opts to receive written post.

Fishing Rules All Association Waters

  • Members must be in possession of a valid R.A.A and Environment agency rod licence when fishing.
  • Members must ensure their peg is litter free before and after fishing. Any member found leaving rubbish, line, hooks or other debris and found guilty of such an offence by the association committee will be invited to attend a disciplinary meeting that could lead to suspension or termination of their membership or access to day tickets.
  • A member shall not fish more than two rods at any one time.
  • Each year various association waters may be closed to facilitate work parties or improvement and no fishing will be allowed during the period 14th March until 15th June inclusive or at any other time notified to members.
  • Fishing with blood worm and joker is not allowed on any of the association waters. All fish must be returned live to the water.
  • All hook sizes must be barbless . (size no larger than size 12)
  • Fishing or feeding of trout pellet is not allowed on any association waters.
  • Keep nets should not be used on any RAA waters unless being used in an official match/competition / coaching as designated by the Management Committee.
  • Members must ensure their peg is litter free before and after fishing. Any member found leaving rubbish, line, hooks or other debris and found guilty of such an offence by the association committee will be invited to attend a disciplinary meeting that could lead to suspension or termination of their membership and access to day tickets.

Fishing Rules All Association Waters

  • Members must be in possession of a current R.A.A Permit (key where required) or day ticket if available and Environment agency rod licence when fishing.
  • Members must ensure their peg is litter free before and after fishing. Any member found leaving rubbish, line, hooks or other debris and found guilty of such an offence by the association committee will be invited to attend a disciplinary meeting that could lead to suspension or termination of their membership or access to day tickets.
  •  A member shall not fish more than two rods at any one time.
  • Each year various association waters may be closed to facilitate work parties, matches, coaching or improvement.  No fishing will be allowed during the period 14th March until 15th June inclusive on rivers or at any other time notified to members.
  • Fishing with blood worm and joker is not allowed on any of the association waters unless used as a part of a specific coaching session by a club coach. 
  • All fish must be returned live to the water.
  • All hook sizes must be single, barbless and no bigger than size 10 (unless required for coaching).
  • Fishing or feeding of trout pellet is not allowed on any association waters.
  • Keep nets should not be used on any RAA waters unless being used in an official match/competition or coaching session designated by the Management Committee.
  • No alcohol or illegal drugs should be consumed on any RAA waters whilst fishing.
  • Members must ensure their peg is litter free before and after fishing. Any member found leaving rubbish, line, hooks or other debris and found guilty of such an offence by the Association committee will be invited to attend a disciplinary meeting that could lead to suspension or termination of their membership and/or access to day tickets.
  • No treble hooks are allowed or live baiting to be used on any of the Association waters.
  • No overnight fishing on any RAA waters – scheduled angling times are:

Ramsbottom Angling waters permitted angling times:

Start fishing at


Leave peg by: pm



































